
About these stories

While it is true that all good stories come not only from a warped mind but also contain a grain of truth, I must note to all readers that "Secret Sins" may or may not be entirely fiction.
The names used are either from inside my head or from actual WITSIC cases, but do not necessarily reflect actual carnal encounters as portrayed.
As to the pictures, all pix are grabbed from public sources and NO, that's not Debbie in the pictures nor is that actually "Ben", so please stop asking.

The next part of the story gets pretty intense and begins to name names as it were, but again, it may all be fiction.
Information on how WITSIC works however, is real as related to me by a former Federal Marshal - just the names have been changed to protect the guilty.

PS: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you - the surveillance devices in the stories are real..