
FARKing A...

After my friend posted his thoughts on Fark.com, he contacted me in regards to my thoughts of reposting the actual story he referred to, or at least one of them.
Musing about it for some time, I reluctantly agreed but have insisted on burying it elsewhere and not on the main page; this is now reserved for my personal thoughts and observations about where I feel we are heading as a nation and world.

In regards to the last thought, I would like you to consider the following:
each day we are given an opportunity and choice to follow what is best and true for ourselves and others, choices that are seemingly innocuous, but like with the flapping of the butterfly's wing can and do have serious consequences in our own lives and the greater world at large.

Each of us are a golden thread in the grand tapestry of life. Removed, the thread would not cause the tapestry to collapse, however, it's grandeur would be greatly reduced.

My challenge to you is this: make that daily choice carefully, and with regard to your fellow man, truth, and the greater good. Do something nice for someone without thought of reward each and every day. Some random act of kindness.
See what it does for your life…

Be well, stay alert.

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