
Frightening times

Dear Readers,
Thank you for your emails asking me to continue my story Chapter 10 entitled "Monarch", and I am sorry that for certain reasons I am not allowed to continue or finish it - reasons I am not at liberty to discuss.
However, I did want to let those following the story in to a few interesting pictures I've just run across on GoogleMap.
You may be aware that Google sent a new, high-resolution satellite into orbit called GeoEye 1 and I must say that the resulting pictures are astounding to say the least!

For example, check out this picture of Montauk Point (note the resolution setting in the lower left corner in all pictures):

And this one at Orient Point just few miles away:

Now check out the following set of pictures of Plum Island about a mile away from Orient Point.
This is at 500m resolution. Pretty good, eh?:

This one is at 100m resolution. Getting a bit blurry isn't it?:

This one is at 20m resolution, the same as the ones at Camp Hero and Orient Point. What the frack?:

And finally, just for giggles, here's a 20m shot of the flagpole in the center of the Pentagon (same resolution as the one above it):

As they say, a picture speaks a thousand words and I hasten to add that none of these pictures have been manipulated by me...