Page 3 - .. and the trouble it got me into.

Ahem.... Your Attention Please !

While it is true that all good stories come not only from a warped mind but also contain a grain of truth, I must note to my readers that what was formerly posted here in the blog may or may not have been fiction. That's all I'll say.

After enjoying some modest success with the blog, I unwittingly published information that was  jusssst  a bit to close to the truth for some people, eventually putting my wife and I at peril with a very real possibility of losing everything, including my freedom.
I know when to call a spade a spade and since momma didn't raise no fool, I know when it's time to get off the truck before it crashes.

In the intervening time since I first surreptitiously videotaped an investigator from an unknown agency breaking into our condo when we weren't home in order to:
  1. bug my computer, 
  2. sort through my personal belongings and 
  3. put a GPS tracking device in my car, 
I lived under the sword of Damocles until Mr. Hoover's friends broke down our door in January and confiscated every electronic device and disk that could hold data.
They asked about and searched in vain for the camera but of course, did not find the video since I had almost immediately removed it from the condo in order to upload it to a secure site under an associates name and account. There it sits, waiting. 
       Time will tell if the 'agency' actually had a warrant to break in or not...

In the meantime, I am going to relate some inconvenient truths that I have learned during my life, and as has been stated, 

PS: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you -

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