

I was wondering the other day about something: does God really love us, and if so, how would it comfort us when we are in pain or need if it does not have arms to hug us with? Would it send an angel, or would it just use the closest human to show it's love?

For me, if I were to be walking down a street and saw someone who had just lost a loved one or beloved pet, one who needed comfort even for a moment  to let them know that there was someone in the world who gave a modicum of a damn, then this in my mind I would see as God working through me.

As mere minor humans in this grand drama we cannot change the world, nor hope to be it's savior, but each of us in our own way can BE that change, that voice and arm of the best the Universe has to offer.

Like I said, just a thought.


"They repent for what they have done wrong and G_d will forgive them"

In studying the subject and causes of the mental and physical abuse I endured on a daily basis during my upbringing, the topics of repentance and forgiveness must be addressed.
Now that I have become aware of the causality, I must myself admit my own transgressions and sins against others; not to place blame on the past or those who instituted my base programing, but to own that to which I have subjected others, externalizing suppressed rage simmering from youth.


Oceans Apart

The gulf between us is a teeming distance in physical respects, but mere inches in 
actuality due to the linkage of our souls.

Time and space are irrelevant. 


My god, life has become a Pink Floyd song!

Pink Floyd: Crazy.
Over the rainbow, I am crazy.
Bars in the window.

There must have been a door there in the wall when I came in!
Gerald Scarfe

Chorus: Crazy.
Over the rainbow, he is crazy.

The Judge[disgusted] The evidence before the court is incontrovertible, there's no need for the jury to retire!
In all my years of judging, I have never heard before someone more deserving of the full penalty of law!
The way you made them suffer, your exquisite wife and mother, fills me with the urge to defecate!
Since, my friend, you have revealed your deepest fear
I sentence you to be exposed before your peers. TEAR DOWN THE WALL!!!!

Crowd chantingTear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!
Tear down the wall!

With my profound thanks and undying admiration towards Gerald , Roger (my hero) and  Pink Floyd


Right around the corner

America is in a state of enlightened despotism where most individuals live only to satisfy selfish inner desires and remain ignorant of the state of the world around them.


We had the opportunity to see Asteroid 2012 BX34 as it passed over our place here in Owings Mills yesterday morning..


The gulf between us is a teeming distance in physical respects, but mere inches in actuality due to the linkage of our souls if we indeed do have them.
Time and space are irrelevant. 


Just another thought...

I haven't felt like writing much lately, perhaps it's due to the FEDERAL INDICTMENT


FARKing A...

After my friend posted his thoughts on Fark.com, he contacted me in regards to my thoughts of reposting the actual story he referred to, or at least one of them.