
"They repent for what they have done wrong and G_d will forgive them"

In studying the subject and causes of the mental and physical abuse I endured on a daily basis during my upbringing, the topics of repentance and forgiveness must be addressed.
Now that I have become aware of the causality, I must myself admit my own transgressions and sins against others; not to place blame on the past or those who instituted my base programing, but to own that to which I have subjected others, externalizing suppressed rage simmering from youth.

For the research and methods used to gain such knowledge however, there will be no apology no my behalf. 
Knowledge should be free; no secrets, no barriers.
A degree, title or badge does not give one the right to say that they are more privileged or entitled to keep information from others, nor the egotistic bombast to claim that such titles prove that they are more intelligent or have greater cause to judge. This is the beginning of the caste system, and is the greatest form of egotism; in essence stating such persons are better or more blessed than others. Hubris.

Biblical scripture tells us that the essence of G_d is within each and every person, and thus, the greatest good is accessible to all. It also tells us that the final arbiter of judgement is G_d itself, therefore all forgiveness must start within our own hearts.

There is no excuse for the damage I have done to others, none. 
With my education and knowledge, I should know better.

The internal pain I feel has a time blinded me, causing me to lash out in hurtful words and violent rage, most often under the influence of alcohol. All who know me can attest what it can do to me; the polar opposite of when I was allowed to use cannabis both to alleviate my physical issues and calm stress.
Curious isn't it? 
That which causes pain and death is legal whereas...

To my wife, she that is loved with all my heart,
To my daughter, the product of a loving union and a Child of Light,
To all the nameless ones wronged by my speech or deed,
I humbly fall prostrate and beg forgiveness with all my heart and soul.

It is my greatest and most fervent desire; therefore, this prayer is my offering:

Our Father who art in heaven,hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד

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