
The Dichotomy of life itself

Day / Night
Cold / Hot
Floods / Drought
Surplus / Lack
Have / Have not
To Be / Not To Be

We live within and attempt to run this crazy system; sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing.
In the end, wee just seem to pick ourselves up, dust off and try it all again,
hoping beyond hope to just get a little more ahead while others just want to simply LIVE WITHOUT FEAR.

Osama Bin Ladin is dead.
I have every reason to believe this because I know and trust in the Special Forces men that made it happen.
Sadly, most will never know the name of the soldier that ended a tyrant terrorists' bloody reign, no medal bestowed except in a private secret ceremony.

My personal inner self however is bound by that dichotomy I spoke of in the beginning:
Rejoicing with a feeling of justice, yet saddened as yet another human had to die by violent means.
You see, almost to a number, seers, sages, and religious persons of all kinds somewhere in their writing claim that killing another human is wrong and that we should allow God, the Universe and Everything be the judge and jury.
I follow these suggestion (poorly) as best as I am able, finding solutions instead of pointing fingers, working for the goal instead of becoming part of the problem, and trying to understand the mind and heart of my enemy.
Doesn't always work...

So here we have the death of a human who was responsible to the deaths of thousands and thousands of people, the great percentage of which were actually Muslim, and we're dancing in the streets.
Please understand, I am but human still, and found myself with my teeth clenched raising a  one-finger-salute 'goomba' style upon the news of his demise.
Then came the other side of the coin, my dilemma..
Killing never accomplishes anything, now does it?

I pray that this closes a certain book that has kept the world in fear for too long,
I pray for all our service men and woman that they be morally strong and return home safely, I pray for those strange voices of dissent that will do or say anything to be disruptive and keep the populace in fear.
I pray for the women in bad relationships, living in a nightmare.
I pray that bullies of all kinds - old, young, white, black, male or female will face what it is that they are actually afraid of or angry with in side themselves.
I pray that the world finds a sense of humor before December 24th 2012
I pray my daughter forgives me for not being there for her.

And lastly, I pray that if it is in the best interest of the Universe to do so, that DD or I "hit the big one" so that we ourselves may begin to spread messages like these without worry.

Selat, Amen

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